Primary School Principals who make a Difference
Welcome to WRPPA Online
WRPPA is made up of Primary School Principals who make a difference.
We are here to support each other and to enhance the education of children at this crucial time in their lives. This website is dedicated to helping you make a difference.
WRPPA brings tumuaki and emerging leaders from Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, Hutt and Wairarapa kura together to connect, learn and advocate.
The objectives of our association are as follows:
To provide an effective information, support, and guidance service.
To promote informed professional debate on policies and practices that lead to successful education administration in schools.
To promote coordinated effort in securing ongoing quality responses from government, educational agencies, and employer groups on matters pertaining to education in the Wellington region.
To promote the sharing of initiatives through such activities as research, publications, conferences, etc.
To provide professional and collegial support to school Principals.
To promote cooperation between all education providers including primary schools, early childhood centres, secondary schools, private schools, integrated schools, and post-secondary education institutions.
To promote opportunities for members to network, support and learn from each other and become more directly involved in the work of the Association.
To liaise with groups and organisations having similar interests both within New Zealand and overseas.
To ensure that the Association has sufficient resources to carry out its aims and develop skills and opportunities.
To honour obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi.
To represent the interests of school principals on a number of regional organisations in matters pertaining to education.
We continue to listen to issues facing Principals and the executive endeavours to place importance on these issues and make them part of our business at the general meetings. We strongly promote our network as a supportive professional learning community for principals. Wellington Regional Primary Principals' Association encourages all principals to attend our general meetings, functions, and seminars to learn from speakers and each other.
Nigel Frater
President, Wellington Regional Primary Principals' Association.
Please note that the WRPPA Constitution is currently under review.
The 2023 - 2025 Executive Team
WRPPA is proudly supported by our exceptional Business Partners
Furnware, Fujifilm, Education Services, Edge, Footsteps, sKids and AV Integration.